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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-06-24 8:23 p.m.

i had a dream a few nights ago where i guess i was in arizona or something with my mom and my sister....but people were divided up by the colors they wore...there was a whole place just for people who wore white. and when we walked down the street, people just acted very strangely, going to a natural amphitheater and laughing their heads off at nothing at all, or else something that just plain wasnt funny.

i had another dream last night, about going back to school. in the first part, i remember something about missing classes because of someone elses stupidity, and buildings crumbling, and all the archies going out to look at them. the next part i tried to get to my room...bridie was there, and danielle was already there but she hadnt done anything with the room yet. it was filled with spinning wheels and other symbols of moutain life. there was also a secret room off of it, and i remember thinking something like "great! i wont have to worry about annoying room mates now because this will be my very own room." then i remember something like all the girls from pe were moved into alumni, and it was soooo much nice than mod quad...but there were still guys in alumni hall for some reason...they had a huge basketball court in the basement and a giant concession stand for food sales. it was very cool.

i can think of a lot of aspects of these dreams that may or may not be vonnegut inspired, such as division into colors (or middle names in slapstick) or the buildings crumbling (the airplane crash at the end of cats cradle) i think i be better off reading a little more harry potter for a while. but im glad that im having so many strange dreams surely getting enough sleep then. my life is miserable when i dont get enough sleep.

i wonder when my mom is getting home...i can hardly believe shes not home yet today. i sure hope she gets home before tomorrow so i can go out kayaking and to the imax preview with jesse. yay kayaking! its just so addicting ::smiles:: i can hardly get enough of it. and it was just so beautiful today, i need far more excuses to go outside and enjoy it than ive already got. someday soon, brenda and i might go to lunch. i think we should try the new thai restaurant near my home, if its open.

today at zany brainy, therese and lori put me in charge of the event. it was so much fun, we had four kids making giraffes with paper plates. i also got to play with wax sticks, and made a little pot/jar thingy out of a few. i am so eager to get ungrounded...i havent been to the coffeeshop in forever and ever! and tomorrow is my first day off of work since the seventh. thats way too long. its hard to believe ive really gone to work every day since then.

i need something to do now...i could clean my room up a bit...i could read...i could dust and vacuum like mom asked to...i could practice trumpet...i could watch more of the videos brenda dropped off. hm.

oh yeah, received one of the best compliments today. i went to the croissant shop in the camp hill mall...which i found out is closing. just isnt making enough money. doesnt even carry orangina anymore, which is the only reason i went there. well, the man behind the counter is from the area of france close to switzerland. he asked me if i am french, because my eyes are french he said. add that to the time mme. frola told me that i have very french cheekbones, and i very well might start thinking that i am french.