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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-06-20 11:44 a.m.

ive been awake since eight, but i fell asleep again at nine or nine thirty, and had another dream.

the part that really makes me think is not the part where i was working in a department store, or the part where everyone (all three or four people) but me was singing on a bus, but the part where i was in a room for some food, but all they had were some fries and lots of different kinds of mustard. i remember one called joan of arc, but it might have been in french, jeanne d'arc, i dont remember. nah, i think i remember seeing the O in english. anyway, there were all these people from my class at trinity there, and i was being so nasty about them, not even really to them. and becki from nd was there, and i just kept saying that no one there loves me except becki, but i guess she had to leave or something, cause i ended up eating my fries away from everyone else and peering around the corner suspiciously.

something funny that happened at zany brainy yesterday. i had my hair braided in two french pigtails, and there was a family (dad, daughter, son) buying a bunch of toys. one of the things they bought is the klutz book of braids and bows, the same book that i learned to french braid from. so i mentioned that to the dad, and he joked that his son here was going to learn to do that for his sister. so i started talking about how impressed i am when i meet a guy who knows how to braid, and the boy just started blushing it was sooooo cute!

so i havent gotten to go out and pick up my new folk song book from kate, cause im kinda sorta grounded. im being sent to my dads this weekend. if i really wanted to turn this around, i could throw a party while im there, the whole big coed sleepover type thing that my dads basement is so good for. wouldnt that just be great? muahahahahaha. its kinda short notice though....i can bring it up for a later date.