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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-06-26 10:15 p.m.

my mom called me her slave tonight. she wanted me to get her a pair of socks from the dryer..."make sure they match" she called after me. i turned around and joked, you just want everything dont you? now she wants me to put them on her feet for her...i think thats where i draw the line. i will not put my mothers socks on her feet for her.

ive been wanting to write all day, since the moment i woke up but even now im pushing myself to write. i find it strange that i have to push myself like that. i had a strange dream last night..with a lot of parts to it. the most frightening part of it was the part where i thought i was missing my phsyics lab. missing physics lab was even more frightening than the part where i was trying to fight someone with a gun who was trying to shoot me.

but even more frightening than all that because it was real life, was what happened this morning as i sat in my orange arm chair reading harry potter. all of a sudden, i had that sensation like when youre just falling asleep and you feel like your bed tilts and you wake up just as youre feeling like youre starting to fall. well i had that sensation while i was just sitting and reading, and i audibly gasped. then the room started spinning and didnt stop for a few seconds. so i got up and walked around, kinda just to make sure everything still had some level of normalcy. it did. i still wonder.

i really need to learn to play piano or guitar if im gonna keep up this folk song stuff. none of this b flat instrument crap. even a flute would be better, though not desirable.