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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-06-16 11:47 p.m.

i remember what i dreamt last night.

i dreamt that i worked at an urban outfitters, but it wasnt open yet that day, and i was wearing my drab cords and my motorcycle shirt, not nearly stylish enough.

mmmmm, molasses cookies. ani and peggy singing in the background. dan is IMing me. im giving him the almost silent treatment, and hes responding pretty well.

im so tired, but im staying up to talk to jesse. you corruptive force, you. kate, where are you? still out tonight? i worked eleven hours today, for no good reason. finished one flew over the cuckoos nest. not sure which one im going to read next.

john offered to share a uhaul with me on the way back to school in august. woohoo!