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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-06-15 10:19 a.m.

three recent dreams

wednesday afternoon, i had a dream that i was in claire's house up the street, though there is no claire living up the street. i was playing recorder when i heard a commotion outside...there i saw a bunch of drunk trinitarians throwing stuff at another drunk girl who had passed out in front of my garage. i went out and shouted some choice words at them (reminiscent of the coffeeshop's "dont you have driveways of your own you can go make noise in?") and threatened to get them in trouble. then one of them turned around and threatened to get me in trouble for smart mouthing a teacher, cause it was mr. cominsky.

wednesday night, thursday morning i had a more fantasy tale style took place in a forest, i was on a quest with a bunch of other people, and i was dressed as a guy until the end. ((ooh, bits and pieces are coming back to me now but they dont make sense)) then at the end i had to find the one person that had been through the whole ordeal with me as much as i had. it was some short blonde guy, i think?

last night, i remember dreaming about the italian mob, but more clearly i remember putting up people on my shoulders and it was for some kind of competition, like chicken fights but different. i mean like cheerleader style shoulder stand. one girl didnt do anything when we did the dismount, she just fell forward, and she messed her face up pretty badly.

i went to see memento last night. im not sure what to say about that. for a while it really messes you up to see each scene backwards, then you get used to it. neato for how the human mind can adapt to watching a movie backwards. memento should be a grand movie to have on dvd so you can rearrange the scenes anyway you like.

so it looks like im not going to cheesers party on sunday. giant scheduled me to work even though its not my day to work, but ill be working at zany brainy instead. yay. that was a pointless paragraph. its going to be an adjustment to have my mother home here again.

nothing on my tongue, so much in the ground.

::sighs:: well, ive got so much to do today, might as well do it while im feeling productive this morning.