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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-05-26 12:29 a.m.


the night turned around and bit me in the right arm, somewhere. somewhere that just throbs until you feel it through your whole body except for your head. i want to sleep so badly.

the finance group....really good band, the cd that was playing in the coffeeshop sounded something like one side of the tape that jesse made for me. try a chocolate covered strawberry mocha sometime. and pay for it in change. and play whiffleball in an empty parking lot that smells greenful of cut clover, and have a drum session with the whiffle ball bats on a poor innocent log.

::thunders outside::

it was so gorgeous to listen to, and i cant wait to see how the pictures turn out. ive shot nearly an entire roll of film in the past two days, all night shots of laser tag, and yoga poses, and monkey masks, and drum sessions.

i figured out why zach and larry grate on my nerves...theyre huge attention seekers. but arent we all.

::rains outside:: ::rain suddenly stops::

i think i want to get into yoga, and make it a regular thing. but like everything else, its a matter of finding time. like finding time for michael to get me up to date on all the fencing things hes learned. its about all i can do to find time to run on the treadmill and practice trumpet. i wanna keep up weight training too, but i dont see that happening any time soon.

::rains again::

im suddenly awake.