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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-05-31 10:22 a.m.

theyre watching me, im sure of it.

ok, so im on my break at giant, just sitting outside on the bench listening to one of the managers tell me about his son in kuwait. then one of the guys ive seen walking around the store, from bakery it turns out, comes and tells him to go away, and sits down next to me. hes built from the same template as dan, especially with the baseball cap that his uniform requires. arrrrgggghghghg. i thought he was much younger, but it turns out he just finished his sophomore year of classes at hacc. he asks my name, and then says something along, i guess youve already met chris in seafood, huh? ummm, no i actually havent. theyre just talking about me already, obviously. if casey from bakery didnt even know my name, him and chris from seafood must have known me by appearance only. kinda freaky.

so i told him im a goth. kinda brought it up as a joke, cause i was wearing all black for my uniform. teehee. well see if he comes to talk to me again.

giant already called me this morning to see if i could come in on my day off....too bad i already made an appointment for an interview at zany brainy this afternoon. that effectively stopped that. im finished with my first assignment from the temp agency. i was a receptionist for a place that has eight phone lines and no voice mail. quite hectic. my mom was impressed because at her office they have a lot of phone lines, but they also have direct dial and voice mail, so if more than one line rings at once, they call it busy. i was dealing with up to four calls at once, maybe more, i couldnt tell.

i feel mushy. im listening to the girls night out cd right now, catch, by the cure. "and her eyes would go all sorts of far away and stay that way for quite a while....i used to sometimes try to catch her but never even caught her name" and i get all spoofy listening to such a girl. id better stop now while im just a bit ahead.