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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-04-20 11:27 p.m.

ok, so here i am wasting a few more minutes before i get back to writing my paper on clemency and mercy in camus' The Fall. ive had a pretty iffy day for the most part, i think it averages out to be completley average.

last night bethany next door decided to have a surprise birthday party for her room mate kelli. too bad it was a surprise for me too. i was planning to stay in my room that night, taking advantage of the fact that my own room mate was missing in action. but alas, my own pathetic boom box is no match for their superior stereo system, especialy when you add a bunch of laughing adn shouting to the mix. so, exhausted, i managed to fall asleep in my clothes at midnight, but not a restful sleep in the least. i woke up at five thirty to complete my chem warm up exercise online, read for a few minutes and fall back asleep to one of the two worst dreams ive had this semester.

the first one had to do with calculus homework. this one had to do with dan. in my dream i was going to bed, and it was getting close to parietals but dan was still there and wasnt leaving. he acted like he was getting ready for bed then came to me with a cheap glow necklace and asked if i wanted to with him to sorins formal and if we could get back together (sorin actually is having an syr next friday, but dan hates to dance). in my dream, i was elated. we talked for a bit then the hall staff heard his voice and came into the room. he barely made it into the next room and out of their sight, and with the phone in my hand, i was ready to make up a story that i was just talking on the phone, and the phone is loud. but dan came back into the room before the hall staff left, we got busted for breaking parietals, and were sent to reslife. i was furious because it was completely his idea to break parietals, and i wasnt responsible for it at all. thats about the only important parts to the dream, except that i kept "waking up" within the dream, and wondering if dan's asking us to get back together was just a dream. it was all a terrible dream, becuase i wish i could just forget about my attraction to him.

after that i had to drag myself out of bed and over to calc class, and to chem lecture, and to a dart meeting with mitch wayne. i hate to say it, but i think hes pretty much convinced me to take scientific programming instead of the lit class on comedy i was planning to take. i think the programming class will give me a slight edge that im otherwise lacking in physics. plus i do want to learn about computers.

mitch wayne even told me some cute stories about how he met his wife when he was working with a particle accelerator in france, and how they started dating in french, even though he hardly speaks any. they used to say that they couldnt fight becuase he didnt know enough french to argue with her.

after that, i met with lindsay, my co-commissioner for environment here at pe. its so nice to meet someone else whos so concerned about the environment as i am, and weve both got some really good ideas. were going to start with a poster on sunday for earth day, basically just introducing ourselves as pe's environment commissioners.

after that, i meant to do a little school work, go running, come back and do more schoolwork and maybe go out tonight, but that all came to a slow halt when my computer started complaining and i read and napped while i tried to let it fix itself. i napped for way too long, and started getting mad at myself for wasting so much of the afternoon. so around fivethirty i started looking for someone to eat dinner with, and ended up going out with becki and anne. came back, wasted a few more hours, and finally relocated to the study lounge to write my paper. ive got about two pages so far, but that means 3 or 4 more to go. at ten i went running, which was nice cause there was absolutely no one at rolfs. a nice shower, and im back here in the study lounge, hoping to write a bit more and be in bed relatively early.

im volunteering tomorrow. yay.

conceivably, i could go to bed now. and read some more. but i want to write my paper too. gah.

dont even think about reminding me how much studying i need to do this weekend, im well aware of it.
