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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-01-27 08:16:46

i guess im twitterpated, as stephanie would say.

late night olympics tonight. lots of my favorite sorin boys gathered together and doing various athletic feats of wiffleball and dodgeball. yum.

and my roomie did really REALLY well in the volleyball tournament. im so proud.

john moore's girlfriend broke up with him. . . . ouchies.

i saw The Wall tonight. weird cause it was in my chem lecture hall.

might put blue streaks in my hair, using alex's dye. ..but im skipping the bleach this time. we'll see if rory wants to talk to me ever again after my hair is a different color.

did i tell you he couldnt even finish the movie dogma cause he found it so offensive? bah!

sorin hockey last night. ..lost pitifully to zahm. its friday, woohoo. i cant find my highliter, my green gel pen, and my ankh ring from boston (say a prayer to saint anthony for me).

i do it for the joy it brings because im a joyful girl because the world owes me nothing and we owe each other the world.

kairos bonding this afternoon.

yeah, im going downstairs to get some chocolate now. i think twitterpated is the word for it.