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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-02-01 06:18:11

::gasps:: he guessed.

he said it jokingly, the way he said it when he guessed everything else about me, like that i used to cry when i struck out at softball, or that i used to play with hot wax. and of course it was followed up with, you didnt, did you?

well. i did. i couldnt say it outright, and i got all paranoid and defensive, and basically said, im not ready to talk about that yet, but he guessed that i used to cut myself.

someone on this campus knows now. he doesnt know the whole story, but he noticed the scars on my right arm.

and hes not scared away. he doesnt think im a complete crazy with severe problems that he could never put up with for long periods of time. he just thinks im special.