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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-01-15 07:13:49

i would have liked to have been asleep by now, but rory made espresso and no one else would drink it. we wonder what else he may have put in there besides coffee. yeah right.

anyway, i had a lot to write in the three days before i came back to school, but i kept falling asleep and falling asleep and getting yelled at for not finishing my book. thursday i just came home from work, fell asleep, read for an hour, helped my mom hang a "pix-ture" for an hour, (not picture, pixture. it doesnt really get as annoying as you think it might) and went back to sleep for another 6 hours. then i got up and went right back to work again.

so wednesday night, i was up late on the internet as usual talking to friends from school when one mentioned the possibility of an inauguration party. i asked if it would really have anything to do with the inauguration or if it would just be an excuse to party. he said hed have to ask his fellow college republicans, and named two other guys in his dorm. i realized then, that at that moment i was talking to two of the three notorious college republicans. this guys not so bad, until you try to take a liberal stand on anything. if i even mentioned something he didnt agree with, just as a point of debate, hed say something like "see, it just gets ugly. lets not talk about politics" he really cant see the other side and that amazes me. i told him im pretty moderate and he responded with "i think i can handle that"

then the other of the college republicans i was talking to starting bad mouthing the other. t'was amusing and confusing.

so friday night we had the closest well get to a girls night out without a repeat performance of the purple purple. cafe venue rocks. i wish i didnt have to leave all the great coffeeshops in the harrisburg area, to settle for a mr. coffee cappucino machine in rory's room in sorin.

so despite how much i hate to leave my friends at home, im glad to be back here. im glad to be (relatively) independent again. i was the first one back in the section today, and hardly anyone else showed up for two more hours. it was so lovely, to have the place to myself while i unpacked. kinda like how it is at three or four in the morning when the majority of the girls are asleep.

but now, even im tired. even after that espresso, and getting to see O! Canada! on Cartoon Network