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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-01-11 05:03:52

i saw one of the loveliest things today walking around in the woods with my dad. we had just crossed a brook, and suddenly the toe of my boot cracked through some ice. but there shouldnt be any ice here, we were about a foot in elevation above the brook itself. i stuck my hand in the hole and pulled out a glistening beautifully sculpted piece of ice. . .on one side of the bottom you could see where it had frozen into a boot print in the mud. above that it was layer upon layer of ice, that formed in puddles, froze, and pooled again, over and over again until there was just this block of frozen vertical ripples. like series of high water erosion marks on cave walls, but more clear than quartz. there were even long air bubbles trapped in it, from something like frost heaving maybe. it was awesome.

i just remembered where else i know the word domine from . .. mr manski had written a vocal piece in latin called parce domine.

i just sneezed three times. i wonder what that means.

my mom wanted to know if i was done with benvenuto cellini yet. ::laughs::

i cant believe im going back to school in three days.