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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-12-23 06:21:03

ive had such a long and tiring day today. and having the laptop in bed with me doesnt help me stay awake at all while i type this.

so jesse came over today to watch akira and make peanut butter blossom cookies. it was great, i really missed having jesse around and it definitely just isnt the same to communicate only by internet and phone. hopefully well have more time to hang out after christmas and when i get back from arizona.

but he really should have come to candylane monster tonight. we rode the tour ride at chocolate world and hung around chocolate world being horrified by the rolos and reeses for a while. that was the extent of the candyland part. the rest of it was romping in the snow forest/snow village. this snow village was nothing but huge piles of snow at the edge of a parking lot left by the plows. it was the perfect place to bound and play and take pictures. we had so much fun, we didnt even mind the cold and the way below zero wind chill. we even got heckled, about four people drove by and honked at us. then again, we get heckled wherever we go, whether its the coffeeshop or marching band practice.

eventually, jason thought he lost his cell phone. not long after that a cop car drove up to us. it sounded like the absolutely cheesiest excuse, that we were looking for a cell phone in the snow (thankfully, it was actually in larry's car and not in the snow). after that, two more cop cars came, one marked and one unmarked. i was impressed, that they sent three cops after us. it wouldnt be a night if we didnt get hassled by the cops. it was the most fun ive had in . . .ok so ive been having fun all week. i love semester break!

michael brought new erin tonight and shes every bit as cool as i expected. ::claps for michael and new erin:: its kinda weird to have a new member just sprung on us like that, but shes cool.

michael and jason and sean have a radio show at duquesne. monday nights, ten to twelve. they say that next year it should be on the internet so all of us can listen. we might even call in. their show is every bit as insane as they are.

sleepover party maybe in early january ::claps with joy:: at my dads, cartoon network fest.

ok im sleepy now. ::sighs:: what a day. . . i cant even express just how much fun ive been having.