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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-12-21 06:11:05

I really am trying to write in here everyday during break, even if i feel like i dont have anything to write about. maybe then i can get back into the flow of writing less documentative entries.. . if i dont have events to write about, maybe ill express more of my own thoughts and feelings. or maybe ill just write more bullshit.

ive got a full social schedule, it seems. every day since sunday (not monday? what did i do monday?) ive gone out. tomorrow it should be dominoes! how yummy! no one at notre dame ever wants to play with me, especially the boys because video games are so much more inviting than something that requires some level of thought. id bet tyszka wouldnt mind dominoes.

ive been re-reading Chaim Potok's "The Promise" since i finished "where the heart is." i was a lot younger when i first read it and i dont think i really got it . .. ive been getting a lot more out of literature and movies now since ive had a semester of lit seminar. so far, i havent found anything i missed the first time around except for a lot of unanswered questions. ive also still got 200+ pages to go.

i might try to use the treadmill every day or so while im home for break. . . who knows how much use it will actually get once i leave (yeah, my sisters bought my mom a treadmill for christmas) i watched the end of the crow while i ran which was a good idea because there arent many words while theyre fighting and what words there are i know by heart. believe it or not, im even getting more out of the crow since meissner's class.

be coherent, please

i can smell my cookies on the table next to me and theyre calling quite persuasively. . . i had something else on my mind to write about . . . besides the christmas concert tonight. .

once the concert band and the shamroig ringers were finished, the rest of the christmas concert was just painful. especially the string ensemble ::shudders::. it would be cool however, if mrs t really does make "white christmas" a staple of the concert, and lets alumni come and sing with the chorus. id definitely be there for that next year. not like she ever really taught the second soprano part anyway!

good part of the concert: going to pizzatown afterward. yum!

i smell iced tea now for some reason. earlier i smelled cinnamon even though there is none in the room.. . who knows whats really going on in the air now that my mom installed a plug in air freshener ::shakes her head and sighs::

simple pleasures: i have clean laundry!