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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-11-21 20:52:08

my arms hurt from the yoga basics they showed us in concepts yesterday. the instructor may have made an example of me for my flexibility, but im definitely not the model of upper body strength.

i think four oclock is my favorite time of day. i love how its still bright out but the suns at an angle where the evening light is starting to show. the snow is showing signs of melting and starting to blow off the trees, but its not really snowing anymore. there are shadows in the snow angels left over from the huge snowball fight last night. the slight melt also makes for better snowballs, rory and i can attest to that.

yeah, im just stalling before i start my homework.

::turns her head in denial, she doesnt want to see the three exams and two papers she needs to do for next week, the physics labs she needs to make up, and more immediately, the ten physics problems she needs to do for tomorrow::