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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-10-29 03:43:36

university of notre dame student body, i am severely disappointed in you.

how many of you went to see princess mononoke tonight at the snite cinema?

thats right, i didnt see a single one of you there.

i understand its a football weekend, and i know youre all exhausted. hell, i am too and i know i was up a hell of a lot earlier for band than you were for your little tailgating parties.

but this is a movie i have been trying to see for a year! an entire year! oh, and it was worth it too.

i havent seen any anime in months, months and months, and the first movie i get to see is princess mononoke. ::deep sigh:: how lovely.

but im really disappointed in you, student body. you dont know what youre missing.

ghost dog: the way of the samurai is playing next week. i know you all have dances to go to because its a non football weekend, and ive got to attend the band dance. but for once, pretty please, skip the pre party and go see this movie! youll be out in plenty of time for the dance, cuase you know no one really starts until eleven anyway . . . please? Please?

im just ashamed that i go to such a culturally inept school. drinking and football, i guess thats all the irish really are good for, huh?

carlisle had better attendance for their films than the snite has. god, im beginning to hate the midwest.