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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-10-08 18:33:45

so i got my culture fix last night. then immediately afterward i nearly negated it by going to a catholic schoolgirl party.

after the game yesterday ((it was about 40 degrees here. we had hail)) kelly and becki and i went to see goodnight desdemona, good morning juliet. it was incredible, it definitely did not let me down. the characters and their actors were really awesome, they really drew you in. it had all the familiarness of shakespeares characters with the extra element of yourself.

why do i feel so tired all of a sudden? prolly cause the only thing ive eaten today is some yogurt covered raisins. and the dining hall just closed and wont open again until 4:30. darn.

it was raining when we left the theatre, so we ran to the nearest dorm. which just happened to be a boys dorm. which just happened to be sorin. which just happened to be hosting a catholic schoolgirl party. and kelly and i just happened to be wearing plaid skirts and blouses. because we just happened to know about it ahead of time.

so we stayed for an hour and danced, and left becuase the music just really sucked. too much eminem and britney spears.

so kelly graciously invited us to her room in lyons where we feasted on snickers and cookies and chips and chocolate covered pretzels. and i zonked out. we were all so exhausted.

the reason i didnt negate the play culture with the party non culture is because i had another component of culture on friday. immediately after the pep rally, anney and i went to the stepan center for the glee club concert. this weekend is their alumni reunion. the concert was really good, and then i went to a reception afterwards at the directors house. which was really bizarre, cause there was this little kid there. he was just fooling around on the piano when we got there, but as soon as mike and garrett and bekah went outside, he locked the door behind them. i was still inside so i unlocked it again for them, but i also had to forcibly lift him off the door handle. after that, he refused to leave us alone. he attached himself to mikes knees, and at 6'4", mike had trouble staying upright. when he wasnt doing that, he was trying to tackle another one of us. after he left, the four of us were enchanted by a beautiful lovely black black cat. and the singing of course. i still had glee club songs stuck in my head after the party last night. "cigarettes and whiskey and wild wild women, theyll drive you crazy theyll drive you insane" I got a ride back to campus with one of the alumni and when they dropped me off back at library circle, they gave me this really cool NASA pin, cause thats where they work.

but now its sunday, and now i must work.