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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-10-04 22:09:57

so i was presented with another choice this afternoon. should i write in here or go take a shower?

no, i havent been performing any particularly strenuous activities or anything like that, i just havent been able to get up early enough in the morning to take a shower. since i wrote last saturday night, i was either depressed or downright sick. i think i was a little homesick after tony visited. and part of it i think was just that crash that always comes, the one were always waiting for. the one that looms over us when were having a good month saying "enjoy it while its lasts, cause you cant be happy all the time."

can i believe that some people dont have that?

anyways, i was fighting it and being totally unsuccessful. i stayed up almost all night monday for the two papers that were due tuesday. i had a little cough, but i didnt think anything of it. and i hadnt noticed how much sudafed id been taking. then all day tuesday i was just a useless human being. couldnt even take a derivative for my calc quiz. heard absolutely nothing of the philo lecture even though i was there the whole time. i was so glad when my chem lab got out two hours early, so i could come back and crash. well, i checked my email for a bit, then i was going to write in here. but by that time i ached so bad it was all i could do to drag myself up to the top bunk.

laying there, i realized i had a fever too. and headache. but i still had to go to band because adam was going to a review session. i was so weak i could hardly hold the ladder i usually carry easily on one shoulder. ::sighs:: what a night. and what a wonder drugs are. especially severe cold formula sudafed. now ive only got a cough and a sore throat. and a chem exam tomorrow. grrrr. ill have to take a shower tonight because i am not getting up super early before the exam just to take one.

but i got most of my calc homework done during the chem lecture, and then brian at calc made me feel smart because he was asking me about some of the answers. so i came right back and did most of my physics homework, cause i was feeling so smart. thank god we had an extension on it. and i even got my calc homework for next week started during the calc lecture. thats so much better than two weeks ago when i didnt even finish two thirds of the assignment.

i can do this, i really can! i think so, at least.

the girl who smacked me in rugby is in my fencing class. coach wanted us in the same class ::smirks:: wonder why. but i heard shes fenced before in sixth grade or something. even so, because she screwed up today, the whole class had to do ten pushups.

im feeling 90% better than i was yesterday at this time. ive got all this weeks reading done for my seminar, and im not behind yet on my calc homework since we didnt get any today. but you really dont need a run down of every assignment ive got this week. im getting healthier, or at least the drugs are working. i havent missed any classes. and i still have esau.