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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-10-01 08:09:31

should i go to sleep or write in here? sleep or write? eve or arvianna?

has it really only been three days since ive written in here? it feels like so much longer.

having someone visit you from home definitely changes your perspective. you dont feel like quite the freshman anymore. but its so nice to have something familiar from home, like friends. tony completely understood why i was so jealous of how carrie and erin spent their evening last night. they played trivial pursuit in the 24 hour lounge from 1 am to 4 am with 2 other girls and seven guys. very much like the kind of evening i would spend at home, with a nice mixed group. this is why i would love to get a random date for an syr. just to not have any preconceived notions or expectations. ((yes, i just split an infinitive))

my god christa, i need to talk to you soooo badly. i know its 3 am here and 4 am at home, but i really really need to talk to you. you too jesse. if you had the cell phone nowk, i bet you could do it because i think this is within the appropriate time range. but good little boys need their sleep at this hour. still, i am sooo tempted to call you christa, cause i can never tell whether youd actually be up or not.

fuck, ive got two papers to write for tuesday and physics homework for monday. and if i were really ambitious id do calc as well as the calc that i didnt hand in last week becuase i never did it. i wrote my philo paper instead. in fact, i really should try to finish my philo reading for this week now.

except that reading philo always seems to put me to sleep.

and ive really missed writing in here every day. i totally forgot until tonight that the 25th of september was arvianna's birthday. that was monday. yay for arviannas one year anniversary. im really proud of myself.

tonight i went to carroll to watch a movie in souths room. afterwards i went up to john moores room to see if i could bother him, but it turns out he was actually at a dance with a girl from pangborn. his room mate wanted me to come in and totally trash his room and take every other one of his shoes. but im not that blatant, so i took his grateful dead bear and his pink floyd cds. and left messages for him on his computer and both message boards. and i blame it all on his room mate.

time to say goodnight.