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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-10-24 21:24:15

i made cookies tonight, cute ones with chocolate bats in the middle. im going to bring them in for my lunch table tomorrow, which i remarked is so very stereotypical since im the only female at my table. after my mom asked why i dont sit with any girls, she told me that my sister was the same way when she was in high school. she always got along with the boys better than the girls.

so i guess she and i both know that its a pretty touchy situation. especially when you need to convince the boys that they can indeed treat you like a good friend, that they can swear in front of you, and that you are capable of keeping up with them. then you bring them cookies so they dont forget completely that you are a girl.

i was talking online to a guy friend whos in college now. he said, and i quote "youre female. bring me cookies"

i assume this is a declaration made in a state brought on by the high quality of college food.