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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-12-10 01:02:16

The Photo

A photographer is always looking for the unusual, the unique shot. At the choral concert, I observed the reaction of the audience at the retirement community. Although many were in walkers, they were caught up in the

enthusiasm of the high school girls singing for them. In particular, my eye was caught by a small, twisted lady who sat with her walker, on the end seat. She scarcely looked at the singers. I first thought she might be senile, but later just surmised that arthritis might makeit difficult for her to look to her left.

The lens of my camera kept going back to her throughout the concert for some reason, then I realized that although her upper body was motionless, her feet were keeping time to the music in an odd way. One of the workers at the retirement community must have noticed my interest in her, quietly came up to me and whispered proudly "She used to be a dancer".

It made the evening one beautiful moment.

I didn't take the picture.