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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-12-05 00:31:12

oh goodness im so exhausted. my introvert self has simply been overloaded today. first i went to district band auditions, spent the entire day with abe, and saw loads of other people i knew and or met, from hanover, east penn, bishop mcdevitt, lebanon, delone. then i went to mass where i saw people i knew,was friendly, and sociable. then christa and i went to the mall. ::SIGHS:: i saw so many people i knew, and most of them i stopped to chat with, and some i even saw again later at friendly's. i just wanted to sit there on a bench in the mall and talk to her, maybe look at and make fun of the kiddos walking by. we also checked out the new hot topic store which is quite visit worthy, i may start going to the mall more often.

anyway, i did fairly well at district auditions. im right at the top of the bottom half, seventh out of twelve. im quite pleased with myself.

tomorrow i have to get up early again, but not quite as early. im going to washington dc with the french club and i plan on getting a lot of christmas shopping done!