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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-11-26 22:33:18

::sighs:: last night i tried to write an entry but it disappeared as soon as i clicked enter. it was just about being prepared for district auditions and whether id make it or not.

so now im in princeton at my sisters place. we watched the tree lighting spectacular in palmer square tonight. i must say, i even got a little choked up when santa appeared on the top of nassau inn. must be the after affects of Kairos, hmmmmm? on our way back to the house we stopped at wild oats grocery, the totally natural and organic place. man, that store is awesome! im also proud of myself because this morning i managed to put my hair in a perfect set of odanga! it looks so cute without looking cheesy and 12 years old. im just bouncing from topic to topic here with no real direction at all!

so anyway. on the train ride down this morning i wrote an essay for my college applications. it was penn's "you have just completed your 300 page autobiography. please submit page 217" i used my life graph from kairos to figure out about where page 217 would be and decided that since not all years of my life would be covered equally, it would be around age 13. so i wrote about the only page-worthy thing in that year. the custody order and appearing in court. i told my mom that i wrote about this and she was horrified. but i think its good anyhow, i almost wish i had written it for my princeton application. but i still have to do cornells! sheesh. and if i dont hear favorably from princeton in december, ill do haverfords and alleghenys. i think ill be set then. ::crosses her fingers::