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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-10-14 16:01:09

yesterday i didnt go home after school. i stayed through until my meeting at 5. i just kind of sat there in the bus lobby and talked to the people as they passed by my nesting site.

but in the interludes, when no one else was around, i kept hearing three notes being repeated. being the music nerd that i am, i started humming notes in harmony, since they were all in a chord. but i couldnt figure out, where were they coming from?

the most logical answer would have been the handbell choir in the auditorium, but thats no fun. besides, why would i only hear these three simple notes out of a whole choir?

i thought that maybe the school plays these tones continuously during the off hours to instill harmony into every object left there overnight. perhaps even they continue the notes during the day, but hardly audible, to infuse goodness into the students and atmosphere!

the very first thing it reminded me of was when i went to hechingers and played with the doorbells. i went around pressing buttons at the same time to find out what chords i could come up with.

heres another example of my music nerdom for a grand total of three: i took the new tuner to the phone, held the phone up to my ear, and sang the pitch to see how it came up on the tuner. even my music teacher called me a nerd for that one. but i dont care, this new tuner loves me!