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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-05-01 18:07:57

the ducklings are swimming now!

but over the weekend one of them died. i came in for nhs landscaping ((trash pick-up-ing)) and it was floating there in the blue smurf pool.

so today in girls ensemble we were singing "i love" and the first verse goes something like this: i love little baby ducks, old pickup trucks, slow moving trains, and rain. except some girls sing it this way: i love killing baby ducks, hitting pick up trucks, slow moving hurricanes, and RAIN. and then i told them about the dead baby duck. they kinda shut up.

in girls ensemble we were also singing lollipop. now thats a cool song.

how do i feel today? a little apprehensive about the AP exams. happy because its so nice out, and we got our yearbooks and graduation announcements. a little blase for jazz band. but overall good.