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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-01-29 22:44:23

whats with the banners at the top of these pages? i thought diaryland was a no ad place!

at color me mine last night, i made a beautiful smooth salad plate with four irises on it, and some words on the bottom edge about flowers. i cant wait to see the finished product on monday.

i had a joe corbi breakfast bacon pizza this morning. it was quite yummy.

i was gone all day today, at work in harrisburg then at mass and dinner at applebees, yum bananas fosters brownies. didnt get that date i wanted. theres still hope. for another week, another time.

after mass, i asked our organist for the words to doxology, i knew all of them except the third phrase. now im supposed to bring him my county chorus cd so he can borrow it. also, my english teacher is going to use my county band cd in english class when we read dante. coolies.