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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-03-18 10:36:16

my left shoulder hurts when i move it. i blame it on sleeping on the couch last night. i should have slept on the floor. it would have been much better for my back. since im going to be at the whitaker center early (thyra has to drop me off before her hike at 11) myabe i can take some time to stretch there or do a little yoga. my legs arent as limber as they used to be or as id like them to be. i know ill get some strange looks, but who really cares. if it makes me feel better it will be completely worth it

my dad left for his mountain bike meeting this morning in his yamaha racing shirt. then this evening hes taking me to the satc banquet. whoopdeedoo.

really strange dreams last night. ((i feel like i am unable to type today)) driving to warren but more like irwin. my hands are just fumbling now so im going to stop. its hurting my wrists.