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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-04-07 17:55:10

next thursday my mom and i are going to drive out to visit notre dame. i hope i dont hate it. it would make everything so much easier if i like it there, because everyone else is leaning towards it. and right now im about ready to relinquish any choice in the matter and just go to notre dame. everything ive read about it seems really good. however, if i do go there, i dont think ill be about to join the marching band. i have a feeling it might be kinda big and competitive even. i dont want that.

then theres the whole thing about secular school vs. a catholic university . . . and i dont feel like boring you anymore with this stuff.

today we made trinity history in the chem lab. lee and todd are building a dirigible to blow up, kind of like the hindenburg. so far we're experimenting with plastic bags, methane, ethanol, and colored chemicals. the last concoction they made today burned longer than any other, and we were very pleased. but i supposed it burned a little too long, because as it flamed we heard a loud CRACK! at first we thought someone kicked something and thought nothing of it. but as we cleaned up the gook, we noticed a fissure in the flame proof lab table stretching from the edge of the sink to the edge of the table. upon closer examination, we realized that the table was cracked the whole way through. i wish we had some way to measure the temperature of that fire, so we would have some idea of the conditions under which the table cracked.

but we are very proud of ourselves. and any guilt is relieved by the fact that they are renovating the entire lab this summer.