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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


04 September 2005 09:28

after watching SLC Punk, I was reminded of this paragraph i wrote a few entries ago back in june:

as i was driving along creek road to scout out places to go kayaking today, i thought about all the hippie-of-the-month pot smokers in my high school class. and how some of them tried to talk to me about the appalachian trail, and told me about their dreams to hike and learn to play harmonica. and i wonder what kind of lives theyre leading now, and if it would be safe to say that i am prolly still the one most nearly living the hippie life, running off to new mexico and singing folk songs, living with crazy artists and indians and scientists?

and thinking, honestly wow, how much more off the beaten path can you get than what me and my community members here are doing? we are giving up our lifestyles, an american lifestyle of gain and greed and middle class accumulation ((for what? for what?!!?)) to educate the next generation of a island nation stranded in a sea of american desert. again, for what? so they can accumulate and acheive the "american dream?" if they choose. sure. with education, we give them that choice, a choice they deserve as human beings.

so with education, they can choose to become like any other american or they can choose to come back to the rez and do everything they can to make this the best darn nation within a nation, an enclave of not-america in america.

and for those of you wondering, well, wouldnt they just make it more like the rest of america? in my opinion, i think its already pretty well unlike the rest of the america just by the checks that tribal members get on dividend day.