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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


13 February 2005 10:42

1)Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought: american cheese, cat food, milk, eggs

2)Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink : water, coffee, chocolate milk, beer.

3)Last Time You Cried? when libby and brandi left ::sniffles::

4)What's In Your CD Player? smapum, adore

5)What's Under Your Bed? absolutely nothing!

6)What Time Did You Wake Up Today? seven am

7)Current Hair? greasy ponytail

8)Current Clothes? jeans, clogs, fleece socks, tshirt, gray fleece sweater, red scarf

9)Current Desktop Picture? close up of water in the blue jay creek.

10)Current Worry? if im gonna get all my lesson planning done today.

11)Current Hate? inaction

12)Favorite Places To Be? outside

13)Least Favorite Place? the office

14)If You Could Play An Instrument? im learning piano?

15)Favorite Colors? orange

16)How Tall Are You? 5'2"

17) Favorite expression? take out a slice of looseleaf and a moment of silence please

18)One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To: christa

19)Favorite Day(s)? thursday

20)Where Would You Like To Go? carlsbad caverns

21)Where do you want to live when you get married? um, pa i think. weve been talking about this (we being the convent girls) and my connection to the forest there is just too strong to leave forever.

22)Favorite food?: those egg/potato/sausage tortilla things they serve for breakfast sometimes

23)Color of most clothes you own: black or red

24)Number of pillows you sleep with? one

25)What do you wear when you go to sleep?: tshirt and pajama pants

26)What were you doing 12AM last night: sitting and admiring my newly reorganized classroom

27)How old will you be in 10 yrs: 32

28)What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years: writing something fabulous

29)Have you ever had braces? nope

30)Are you paranoid?! maybe

31)Do you burn or tan? tan

32)What is the brand of your wallet? i bought it from the woman who sells handmade stuff from south america

33)First piercing/tattoo? my ears, pierced, that is

34)First enemy? what?

35)Last person you yelled at? students

36)Serious significant other? long distance ish?

37)Last thing you ate? salad with craisins and poppyseed dressing and parmesan cheese. about to eat some yogurt.