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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


08 December 2004 18:24

im wondering what it will be like to be back at home in less than two weeks. what will be the same? what will be different? will it be a culture shock all over again? what will i do? how will i adjust?

i have a fever and a sinus headache right now. waaaaah. im exhausted physically from my cold and im exhausted mentally from school. at least thursday is the day that i'm not master teacher for any classes after 11 am. thank goodness. its pretty much just babysitting after that.

as were reaching the half way mark, im wondering where im feeling called to be next year. do i stay on here for a second year? do i go on to grad school? i havent even taken the gre yet. get a job? if/when i do go to grad school, will it be for writing? geoscience? physics?

do i want to ask for a car for the next half of the year? what am i going to do with cactus?

and i cant help but wonder where im bound, where im bound, cant help but wonder where im bound.