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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


15 August 2004 00:30

i freaking rock

i was going to go hiking today, but then it got all blustery and thunderstormy. i decided to attack the cpu/tv system that was sitting in our back room, just waiting to replace our completely kaput tv/vcr system in the tv room.

so after getting a lot of help to move a heavy 36" tv, ive hooked up the cpu with the tv as the monitor, remote mouse and keyboard, antenna for said mouse/keyboard, infrared device controller, vcr, satellite dish, and a very nice surround sound speaker system.

oh yes. we're in the middle of nowhere new mexico, we dont have drinkable water and our sewage system is sketchy, but we are WIRED. this place certainly has its priorities straight.

and i am one happy girl. not only because of all the neato technology here, but because the trip to gallup made me ever so grateful for how beautiful lumberton is. the rest of new mexico tends to be rather flat and barren. and lumberton/dulce is still pretty arid, but we do have hills and mountains with lots of evergreen trees on them here in the foothills of the rockies. its such a gorgeous place to be.

and the rest of the teacher continue to be wonderful people to live with. even if they are all going a little crazy what with the lack of boys our age to date or anything. every time we watch a romantic comedy movie, we all get really really depressed. ah, we're so pathetic. and we have how many more months of this to look forward to? ::smirks::