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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


13 August 2004 20:47


so many hours in the car, driving through the middle of freaking nowhere new mexico. the paved road quite suddenly becomes a dirt road with COWS all over it.

we are NOT driving to Gallup that way Ever Again.

so after a night on the floor in a convent in Zuni, we got lost trying to find the teacher inservice at gallup catholic high school. after finally getting there, we find out we DIDNT need to bring our religion textbooks like reggie swore kristelle said two weeks ago. right. it was all about our own spirituality. you know, i kind of like how all of the religious education and catechist training ive had so far stresses none of the practicalities of teaching like lesson plans, textbooks, or curriculum. its all about the love. all about the jesus love and the spirituality. and todays spirituality focus included a nice long social lunch, a yoga breathing session, quiet time, small group discussion, and two prayer services. all with an emphasis on mindfulness of our ministry, our living, our purpose in life. an emphasis on mindfulness in general really, with a very buddhist slant to it. a very cool teacher in service, i must say.

i met a lot of cool people from the st michaels indian school in arizona, too. one from harrisburg originally, about the same age as my sisters. a brother who spends his summers at notre dame taking theology and philosophy classes and hanging out at legends, and a domer who graduated in my class this past may. he even knew a lot of the pe girls, spent a lot of time in pe, lived in alumni, and he and i even had mutual acquaintances in alumni hall. of course, though, he was a typical domer in the fact that he confessed to be going through notre dame withdrawal. and was shocked to find out that, no, i am not also suffering from nd withdrawal. quite the opposite in fact. im so grateful to be out and away! its done, its over, hooray! i have my freaking degree and NO ONE can take that away from me. muahahahahaha.

so after another long drive, through the navajo reservation this time, im back in lumberton. and soon be going out to the bar in chama. oh yeah.