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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


18 January 2004 01:05

i tried sleeping on the floor last night to see if that was the remedy to my sleep problems, that maybe over break i had gotten too used to sleeping on the floor, since i had slept so well there over break?

no, that doesnt seem to be it. i woke up in the middle of the night, took forever to wake up this morning, and ended up asleep again by 3 pm. not to gain consciousness until after 7 pm. and none of this was good quality sleep either. many times i found myself staring at the ceiling in a vague melancholic not horrible but not where id like to be kinda mood. when i did sleep my dreams were not pleasant but often featured death and violence.

i would prolly still be sitting in front of my computer getting progressively more melancholy had kelly not rescued me in order to make a cameo appearance at a freshman dorm party then help her with her lines for the french play. since i *understand* french and all. heh. ::smiles::

ive also been reading over the emails from the volunteer organizations who have contacted me so far. im getting a much better idea of the type of service i would like to do next year. im really feeling drawn to working with poor rural communities.

finally, i met a very sweet seventeen year old today in the parking lot. he walked me to lyons and we had a nice chat.

so theres really no reason for me to feel melancholic, i think it just kinda grows out of never really waking up after having trouble sleeping so much. im hoping that will be remedied as i get into a schedule here and interact more, instead of just sitting around my cozy apartment.
