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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


22 September 2003 22:08

mmmmm. its almost officially fall. and its almost officially four years ive been writing here in arvianna.

and oh yeah. its almost my dads birthday. i should do something about that. hm.

being a senior is dangerous. some of us forget how to live. we get so wrapped up in planning for next year that we forget our dreams. or put them off for later. saying, ive always wanted to do this, but for now im going to plan on this. its safer. its more secure. i feel like im solidly on my way to doing i dont know what exactly, but something i really want to do, not something i feel i should do. im so excited about qmech, and english class, and working in the ecology lab. im so proud to have my name on the board list of hellmann lab members. i just know what whatever is in store for me its wonderfully radical and im gonna love it.

i remember years when i never thought id be so optimistic. when i thought i had no right to expect happiness, wasnt sure it existed, doubted it was meant for me. now ive just got to keep growing and searching, keeping in mind how ive struggled to learn to live. and how beautiful life is.