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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


07 August 2003 00:51

man, do i feel on top of the world or what. i feel like i own this place. ive got my paper done. ive got my presentation done. im delivering it tomorrow. then im so outta here, even if only for a little while.

and i had a great indian dinner tonight, courtesy of garg. and i managed to eat almost all of it with my fingers, indian style. long nails arent really conducive to eating with your hands, ive decided. nor are they good for typing, as im deciding now.

oh, and i signed my lease today! i told the woman why i was doing it early, so my roommate could start moving in since i wouldnt arrive til late in the afternoon on moving day, and she said something to the effect of "oh, youre such a dear, bless your heart" made me feel really good, even though im prolly not sposed to use the physics dept fax machine for things like that. heehee. like i said, i feel like i own this place.

im just so glad to have my paper done and proofread and shit. even though i didnt really do anything this summer. i didnt really DO research, but i did learn a lot about how research is conducted, and i learned a lot about condensed matter physics and quantum wires. and ive been happy. theres a few people who find me bitchy, but ive also had a good number of people this summer who i could listen to, and talk to. ive decided that summer session is the best, cause its not too hectic and the people who come to summer session are the kind of people who really care. theyre not here to dick around, for the most part. they care about their schoolwork, and by extension usually care about the people around them too.

but things are gonna change so fast, all the white horses have gone ahead