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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2003-06-10 11:17 p.m.

i didnt think it was a big deal when i first found out id be the only native english speaker in my lab this summer. its turning out to be more entertaining than i imagined.

today we were reading a paper when she asked what it meant to vigorously agitate a solution. stir. is etchant a good word? meaning the one doing the etching is the etchant. whats the english word for this part on this piece of machinery? we have a specific word for it in polish, but i cant translate it directly. it goes on and on. and i would just love to emerge from this lab with a polish or russian accent, unlikely though it may be.

last saturday i went to the dunes in michigan with one of the other reu girls and her aunt, we had the most marvelous time. there was water and sand and dead fish, and a sand storm, and a huge dune to climb up and run back down. then we discovered a small tributary stream to the lake and starting wading (its ankle deep) upstream. we noticed the water was a strange gray color, and soon we found a clay bank to explain the color. might i say clay is very nice on the feet? venturing further, a woman told us that even further upstream, theres an entire hillside of clay. and people play in it and slide down it. we finally reached it, and i nearly sank to my knees in clay it was so awesome. i absolutely cannot wait to get back there and cover myself in clay entirely. like a mud bath, but better!