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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2003-02-14 12:21 p.m.

um. yeah. so im leaving for italy tonight and i havent even started packing yet. i was completely and blissfully nonchalant about this until i tried to go to the safe today to get out some travelers checks and i couldnt get the darn thing open. now im running on empty, very hungry, but i feel like i downed a pot of that extra strong coffee i used to make when i was grading chem hw all night long.

and to top it off my nose has started running. we remember what happened last time i got on a plane with a runny nose. i was out of comission for a week. no, no no, that cannot happen again and i will not let it happen again.

im not exactly sure why im going to italy other than because i can? is that a sufficient reason? does one need any other reason to go to italy?
