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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2003-01-29 10:35 a.m.

i have stuff from my paper journal to copy over but i dont feel like taking the time to do that right now.

instead, i will note to everyone that i havent had coffee since ive arrived in london. ive had tea, i can make tea in my flat with tea bags. i have good darjeeling tea with lots of warm milk. mmmmmmm. but i havent had coffee.

and its kinda driving me nuts.

i dont have a readily available source of good coffee. or rather, readily available and affordable. and, i dont have a place to drink it?

im not gonna drink it on the run, and were not allowed to have anything besides water above the basement level of the classroom building (though i violate this now and then when im just too darn hungry and Must Have a Cookie) but i just dont spend a whole lot of time down in the junior common room where i would be allowed to drink coffee.

and there are coffee republics and pret a mangers and starbucks and cafe neros on every street corner. but that would get expensive and FAST.

so for now im drinking tea. well see how this goes....