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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2003-01-05 3:12 p.m.

there was a publishers booksale at the old place where encore used to be, yesterday. i browsed through, made my way to the fiction tables, and saw nothing but women's romance fluff. no temptation there, despite the buy three get one free advertisement. then the nonfiction table drew me in. first i noticed the name sarah vowell, and recognized it from this american life with ira glass on npr. the book was on radio, a listeners diary. what can i say, it kinda stuck to my hand in spite of myself. next book to find its way into my arms was the mountain people, an anthropology book about an african tribe. after that it was lonely hearts of the cosmos, a spiffy book about the lives of scientists working on cosmic questions in the last century, an artists voice, a book of interviews with seventeen modern artists, and conquering calculus - which was actually the first to be put down when i put a three book limit on myself. i put down the anthro book as well and took the others to a happy home. i was very proud of myself, because after a semester of solely math and physics i was feeling rather intellectually dry. just a quick browse through a book sale has proved to me that my interests are as varied as ever and havent dulled a bit.

apparently the author of lonely hearts of the cosmos has also written a book einstein in love. ill have to check this one out as well.

im feeling like a toddler...saying no just to defy my mom, who honestly, is treating me like a toddler. she woke me up from a nap this afternoon, sat me down in front of a plate of eggs, and said "start eating." i dont like her ordering me around like im still a little kid. i know shes getting anxious that i havent done anything to start packing yet, but hey, give me a little time to relax and ill start packing when youre not around to poke your nose into stuff and try to take control. thats just how it goes.