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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-10-16 10:59 p.m.

short entry, cause ive had a nasty insistent headache ive had all evening. i took two ibuprofen before band and still my head was pounding at the end of rehearsal ::offers sacrifices to the headache gods to keep away the migraines her sisters warned her about::

i think one of the hardest parts about going to london will be the clothes. i tried to dress up today for class, i really felt like wearing my black flats and khaki pants. but the sweater i had picked out just wasnt working for me. so i changed shirts. then i had to change socks to match the shirt. then i had to change shoes, too. finally, i just put on a pair of jeans and said screw it. theres some part of my brain that says, hey! what are you doing! you dont have to dress up! get out of these clothes! even when another part of my brain is saying ooh oooh oh we wanna be CUTE!

but everyone whos lived in europe for a while has told me about how everyone EVERYONE dresses up there. and while not wearing sneakers isnt a problem for me, i never wear them anyway except for marching rehearsal, i better find a pair of cords i love or something or im just gonna continue looking like a scrub. and an ugly american.
