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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-10-14 11:05 p.m.

i was sitting in nieuwland and reading tekaat, when katie walked in and announced she saw a green laser dot on the dome.


we ran up three flights of stairs to the observatory, and asked the nearest grad student looking person if they had the green laser

oh you mean this?

he handed us a silver tube, about the size of a permanent marker. katie shone it up into the sky. it glittered where particles of whatever crossed the beam. she handed it to me.

try to hit the chimneys over there

i walked across the roof of nieuwland, and pressed the button. a large green dot appeared first on the power plant smokestacks, then the water tower, and the dome. the grad students practiced targeting cavanaugh, steds, and flanner halls.

so very very cool, and very powerful.

how did you know about the green laser, they asked, were you here last night when we were playing with it?

no, we just know. we're physics majors. yeah yeah.