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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-08-03 12:54 a.m.

ah soooo much. why does so much happen all at once. good night to be at the coffeeshop. long talks with laura, goodbyes to christopher, and hellos to henry. and wednesday was a good night to be at the why're (as in "why're you here?") i realized one of the reasons that place is so darn cool....its not a bunch of angry punks or ornery hipsters brooding about and looking cool. its a bunch of damn hippies, as christopher puts it, jamming round and being positive. the vibes and the people there are so encouraging and supportive that anything goes. go for what makes you happy, reach for your dreams, whats gonna stop you, really? awesome.

i forget what else i was gonna write. christopher and i performed at the why're's open mic night on wednesday. and some of the stuff i wasnt singing well, like union maid is kinda high for me and i start getting nervous and cutting off my air and that just sounds bad. but we ended with im gonna be an engineer, and again, i turned it into more of a talking blues rap instead of a song but it was great. i know it so well that i can worry more about really performing it than singing it. and its just plain funny. there was this really adorable guy who told me not to undersell that when i said i dont sing well, and he told me i did great. yay.

and i guess i can start looking up about my life now. cause i still dont know what im going to do with my degree, but i sure as hell know what im doing after graduation. im just gonna enjoy these next two years of college, not stress TOO much about employment, and concentrate on choosing an organization to do service with, for about 18 to 24 months after graduation. i feel like its really what i want to do after college, i want to give a few years in service. to me its a way of living closer to the rhythm, close to the people, close to the land, close to poverty, not gaining for myself, but giving of myself. and i have to wonder whats in store.