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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-05-13 5:14 p.m.

I just got done with my first day in the dcnr office today and i think i was just too tired to really enjoy it at all. i nearly fell asleep trying to read a booklet about wetlands, which isnt like me at all. i typed up a few letters for him (Marcus Snyder, my boss/mentor/something or other

...hahaha little interruption there. i have to call ben hoffman soon and tell him to take me out to lunch at some middle eastern restaraunt. hes a senior just graduating from high school and his father and my mother work in the same office. my mom thinks "it will be good for us"...

...another interruption, ben himself this time. then his father. "did you do what you had to do? bens going to be so mad at me, he thought i was trying to set him up on a date. but its not, its just lunch right? you know what i mean? but if you two want to take it somewhere else..hey thats great too!" oh mr hoffman is so funny...

yeah, so today at dcnr wasnt so thrilling, but tomorrow were going out to the nockamixon state park to look at a potential site for an alternative sewage treatment system and the tufted buttercup. ill have to make sure i get plenty of sleep cause i have to meet him at someplace in enola at seven am. sooo early.

and i need to talk to christa sooo badly. so im going over to her room with our good friends ben and jerry tonight! yayay