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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-04-29 11:07 a.m.

ugh. so i had a really frightening dream last night. i havent had any really anxiety type dreams for a while so i guess this is just indicative of my current stress level. i dont remember the beginning of the dream, but there was a sense to it that this was a recurring dream. but i dont recall having it before. some of my relatives (i dont remember who) were involved in some sort of cult, and for some reason they had to kill me and some other people who werent in the cult. and they were going to do it in a way similar to another group killing that had been done for the same reason. they had bats or pipes or something and they were going to split open our heads with those first, then tie up our bodies and drive cars over us. so i was fighting them and ended up using the pipes on them instead and cracking their heads open. then i ran away but there were still people looking for me. i came to the edge of the village and there was my cousin (but not really, it was alex from st eds) and when he found out that i hadnt been killed he took it upon himself to do so and started driving around in a car looking for me so he could run me over. i tried to get back to the village and get help somehow, but i was too afraid to go on the main roads. so instead i took the back alleys, sneaking around and trying to tell everyone i saw what was happening and asking them to help me. eventually alex wasnt crazy any more and denied the whole thing and the nice ladies from the grocery store sent me a present. sometime during the middle of that i woke up. it was not pleasant.

im not going to my second class today so i can work on my literature paper. im pretty confident i can get it done today. i already have five pages, and i havent even used all the material from my draft yet. so i can do ten more pages today, right? ...right?

last night was amazing...greg thomas took the steds choir to dinner at tippecanoe, which is the old studebaker mansion. greg thomas is the same guy who buys pizza for everyone at steds mass whenever he visits, and he took steve to the bahamas after he finished his summer service project in florida. the stories he tells are amazing, from back when notre dame still allowed kegs on campus, and from flying air force one with so many different presidents. hes got some secret government job. i feel so priveleged to have met him and had dinner with him! hes amazing.

other than that my weekend has consisted of lit paper, omega virus, and the EYH conference. which was really cool. im sorry i wont be able to do it next year since ill be in london. oh yeah, and the brass ensemble concert. that was a little too long, by the end of it i was definitely having some trouble playing.

my progress on flute is coming along really well....i can play anything on the staff and im just a few notes short of a full two octave C scale. but now my focus is on the lit paper....