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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-04-09 12:00 a.m.

im procrastinating on my lit paper, so heres what i wrote in my math notebook today while i was working on hw in ::gasp:: starbucks.

i feel so guilty coming to starbuckslike this, since its such a brand name and such a sybmol of urban chic yuppiedom, etc. but just like there are universal qualities to band, there are universal qualities to coffeeshops. within this starbucks, past the blatant commercialism, i cam see the yellow walls of the cornerstone, the music of the deli bean, and unidentifiable goodness that coffeeshops atmospheres have. this is such a great study space for me too...if i could. i would study in a place like cornerstone all the time if it were available. it just really suits me. so though i feel guility about it, i may have to give in and start coming to starbucks more often.

oh yeah. i think its the smell and the lighting.

i hate walking out of starbucks into the rest of lafortune. starbucks has nice music and nice warm lighting....the rest of lafun has inset lighting in the drop ceiling that just looks depressingly gray.

but who doesnt love the smell of coffee. im such a latte girl.