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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-03-04 11:48 p.m.

ive been feeling pretty anti social lately...or is schizoid the term? whatever. either way, i just find it more and more difficult to talk to people, keep up a conversation with them, meet new people. answer with more than a few words. im keeping up my away message more on aim too.

Anonimo 95: you don't find IMing relaxing?

EJM ankh: staring at a computer screen and forcing myself to communicate with people....nah. i dont get along with people. computers are only slightly better

can you see why? i just feel like every other thing out of my mouth is rude or hurtful. and i should just be quiet for the time being.

i think its just cumulative of the semester, i mean, its spring break next week. and i really really really really really need spring break. not spring break in florida on the beach partying...spring break in the forest. just me and the forest. beautiful. i cant wait. and i wont even mind not being completely alone...but being in a tiny village in a cabin of five is so very different from being in a dorm of 250 in a large university.

its gonna be great. i just hope that dad gets a little less anxious about it...he seems to be anxious about the amount of hiking experience these guys have, how prepared theyll be for cold weather, and how much food theyre gonna bring. hmmm.

see her in her chapel high up on the hill