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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-01-09 5:40 p.m.

ummmmmm. what a day. most days ive been getting up around noon, or even eleven more recently. today i first woke up at eleven thirty when the phone rang, then went back to my bed, assaulted by comfyness as usual. but you know what? i didnt get up again until quarter of three! mom didnt call until four or so. mallory even IMed me today and told me that i should dye my hair blue. im thinking of it. took a shower around five. i didnt really feel bad about missing all my precious reading time in the afternoon because mom has a prayer group meeting tonight and that means the tv wont be on nonstop from the time my mom gets home until i get finished watching toonami midnight run. but kate and i are going to go out tonight...yay. i still just think its weird that i didnt wake up until nearly three. i havent eaten anything all day except a lump of cookie dough and a tapioca pudding cup. i tried to eat some mini ravioli but i just couldnt.

ive really loved having these days to do nothing but read. yesterday i read all of the catcher in the rye. theres more i want to write, but its just not coming out. i wanted to write about how college rots the brain and how much you can learn just sitting and reading. but nope, not working. ha. im kinda looking forward to going back to school, getting away from my mom, living in my awesomely cool room, danielle, becki, spam, anniemal, brian, kyle, etc etc. id better stop before this entry just gets worse.