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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-12-02 12:46 a.m.

just got back from purdue. what an awesome win. what a fun bus trip. big blue moon.

i feell.....i dunnow.....apathetic and edgy right now. i wanna do something productive, becuase i feel like i havent done anything productive in weeks, which i know isnt true cause i did all that work for calc. but i havent really done anything for physics or mechanics. so what i want to do is go to the computer lab and work on my program or finish up the analysis for my physics labs.

but i know thats not true. what i really want is to be noticed.

im thinking about going to the computer lab, but im really thinking about who i might run into there. random engineers, smarajit, igor, zoltan. no one on a saturday night. especially after a win like todays. i wont meet anyone in the library either. no ones there to socialize on a saturday night. i dont wanna go down to kaba cause i never really feel important there. im an intruder there.

i wanna start wearing my yamaha winter hat all the time. cause its cool

and it might get me noticed. im still feeling rejected i guess, or lonely. i wanna feel important to someone here.

i was the first one to get big blue moon today on the bus. but only because gibeau told me ahead of time. thanks gibeau, you rock my world.

youre the silly reasons in a goldfish laugh. youre the ageless seasons at rest at last. i guess im important to the guys at st eds. as a clarinet. i know the trumpets love me....but it seems like they love lori more (becki elise and i all decided we dont really like lori. my latest personal vendetta against her has to do with the fact that she asked luke and pat to save seats for her and dayna at trumpet dinner. oh please. were all trumpets. were all family. you can sit by all of us. but no one wanted to sit next to me. except wally. and wallys starting to scare me. he should go back to stalking jessica.)

i also feel bad cause i didnt send in my stuff for theo like i told lis and veronica i would. im a bad girl.

but overall, nothings gone terribly wrong.