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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-07-08 6:40 p.m.

great, ive got that same nicely exhausted feeling now as when i tried to write last night but managed to completely freeze my computer. i guess ill work backwards...

i went kayaking today with my sister, my dad, and my stepmom. it was such a gorgeous day and i just love being on the water! i think one of the best things about kayaking is how low impact it is on the environment. your completely self propelled, and hardly making a dimple in the water, just barely sitting on the surface. i can stay still in the lake, and see birds whizzing around my head (that surely wouldnt be there if i were in a motorboat), fish jumping inches from my feet, and sneak up on herons, deer, ducks, and turtles. my first boat of the day was a perception dancer, and true to its name, it was a whitewater craft, not a touring kayak like my dads. very hard to track on the still water, but i could do a one eighty in one stroke of my paddle. my stepmom packed the best picnic lunch i could imagine....crackers and bagel chips and cookies and fruit, with rolls and three meats and at least three cheeses for sandwiches (plus brie! real brie!), with two kinds of mustard and oh it was just great. none of this bologna and processed cheese product kind of stuff, or chips and burgers and hot dogs crap. after lunch i ditched the dancer for one of the seayaks, and it was such a relief to just be able to glide along through the water. ::smiles::

i must have set my alarm way too early this morning cause i fell back asleep after it went off..and woke up fifteen minutes after mass was supposed to start. i knew i could get there in time for the liturgy of the eucharist, which is the really important part anyway. and i was sitting there thinking, now, do i really believe that i am receiving the body of christ? and my scientific rational mind tells me, well, no, thats just what they tell you in school. but my mind also tells me that weve already rationalized the importance of religion, and why i participate at all, but why this particular ritual? well, my mind continues, its kind of a cool thing to do in the early church days as a symbolic thing...but if they let everyone think it was just symbolic wouldnt everyone go around changing it to suit themselves, therefore defeating the community aspect of religion? hmmm, yeah, i guess so. so they tell us its dogma or whatever, so we wont change it and the ritual continues to bind us as a community. ok, thats cool. but what about FAITH, arent we sposed to believe that this is the real TRUTH? sure we are, and this proof so far would disagree with that. but this scientific rational mind of mine which happens to believe in things supernatural can come up with no paranormal evidence to the contrary, YET. and prolly wont until i die. so catholic we remain!

trust me, it made more sense in my head at eight oclock in the morning than it does now.

id have to say, the coolest thing about last night was the crayfish. oh, and driving into harrisburg on my own. and of course, being called nature girl, i always love that. and the fireworks were pathetic. but the crayfish! they were just crawling up onto the bottom step all along the water below us. it was so much fun to watch, and erin and i fantasized what it might be like if we were crayfish queens and could call them at will to do our bidding. heheheh. then what it might be like to be able to turn into a crayfish at will. kinda funny, now that i look back on the night, to see that i had cream of crab soup for dinner at the park, and so thoroughly enjoyed it!

the night before that we watched really great fireworks from the tower in imagination station. it was so sitcom...we watched them as the moon rose huge and orange directly behind them. its not even worth it to try and describe it. we were there in order to try and play laser tag with kristens little sisters, but ended up just playing in the park most of the night. apparently they thing michael is the greatest thing ever, and get this, they think im nice. oh boy. i wasnt even trying, i thought i was being pretty apathetic towards them. but i guess i was being really nice when i played some games with them on the equipment, and helped them in laser tag.